Search a gearbox partslist from a MBtrac 800 -
Toje - 15.08.2011
Hello . Where Can i find a parts list for the gearbox? Something drop down in the box for the Four wheel drive and i get a hole in the bottom .
RE: Search a gearbox partslist from a MBtrac 800 -
BE-Trac-800 - 15.08.2011
Hello Toje,
it would be polite to introduce yourself! you don't have to write a book, but i'm sure a lot of members are interested to know who you are.
Here are a lot of gearbox specialists with impressing skills, but they have to know what kind of gearbox is assembled in your MB trac.
A good idea is to tell the vehicle identification nummer, and a better idea ist to ask in german.
Not everybody, including me, is skilled to communicate in english, especially when special technical words are needed.
RE: Search a gearbox partslist from a MBtrac 800 -
Toje - 15.08.2011
Hello and sorry for not telling you something about my self .I blame it on my phone because i text the question from it , but now i am on the computer its a lot easier,
Ive recent bought an mb trac 800 year 83 . the gearbox if i understand it corrrect is a11 but i dont no if this is the correct number.
I plan to use it to tow my bobcat trailer.
the history considering me and mbtracs is that my grandad bought his first in -78 i think so ive grown up with a couple of these tractors and now i have the chance to have my own.
considering the language sins i can read german pretty good the answers in german would be fine. ive said for a long time i will take the time to learn german because i travel alot in your country atleast once per year to berlin maybe its time to do that now
Best wishes Torbjörn
The number on my mb is 44016800 107 276
RE: Search a gearbox partslist from a MBtrac 800 -
DaPo - 16.08.2011
Hello Torbjörn,
probably the easiest way to get a parts list für your MB-Trac is to visit this website:
There you can buy an official access to the EPC (electronig parts catalogue) that also includes your MB-Trac. It costs less than 20€ per year.
The gearbox installed in your MB-Trac is a UG2/30-7/13,51 GA (aka 719.911)
RE: Search a gearbox partslist from a MBtrac 800 -
Toje - 16.08.2011
Thanks Daniel. I will try to get the piece out of the gerbox then i post a picture here.
RE: Search a gearbox partslist from a MBtrac 800 -
Toje - 16.08.2011

Hi . Here is a picture .
Looks like the shift lever for pto ?
Regards Toje